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Soul Coaching® – Your Soul Truth Sets You Free

soul coachingSoul Coaching ® is a truly beneficial experience if you are interested in learning about your past experiences and how they have affected you today.  If you’re open to going on a journey that will allow you to go deeper into these past experiences, soul coaching may be the path for you.

What is Soul Coaching ®?

Think back to all of those times in your life when you went through an intense emotional experience. Whether they were good or bad, these experiences stay with us. This is called cellular memory. Even those who had a ‘perfect’ childhood are not immune from intense or negative emotional experiences.

All of those nasty fears, mistakes, regrets and trauma stay with us.  They are often responsible for a lot of our behaviours, habits or limitations that may be reoccurring in our life. Soul Coaching ® aims to dig deeper into these experiences.  Doing this will allow you to work through them to heal, or replace, these cellular memories. It also aims to stop these maladaptive behaviours and or patterns that are causing you discomfort or distress.

How is Soul Coaching ® Different From Other Types of Coaching?

When you hear the word ‘coaching’, it’s easy to have images or thoughts about those motivational team leaders who energetically try to ‘pump up’ their clients. This style of coaching generally uses a different method from soul coaching. Take life coaching for example. The life coaching technique uses motivational methods that are designed to confront, push and press the client for results. These methods often result in exhaustion, frustration or simply wear the individual out.

Soul Coaching ® takes a gentler, spiritual and experience-based approach. It is more of a personal guidance that allows you to take your own soul journey and heal yourself. Soul Coaching ® aims to align your inner and spiritual self with your outer self, therefore making you more centred and in control of your future experiences and patterns that arise.

As well as healing, it may help you find your purpose and your soul truth, which will allow you to build and design a life that suits you. A life that is full of self-love, energy and experiences that you enjoy.

Why is Soul Coaching ® Beneficial For You?

The first cellular memories we hold begin to occur between 0-7 years old. These memories will often result in patterns or behaviours that repeat over and over again. An example of these behaviours might be the cellular memory of being bullied. Subconsciously, we will seek out situations where we are easily bullied.  Or we may find situations where we can seek justice for those who have been bullied.  People who are overweight, have health, relationship, financial, emotional, physical or sometimes mental problems are all able to understand where it began and change their future path.

These behavioural patterns can be destructive to ourselves, and sometimes to those around us.  They may cause us great distress unless we do something to stop them. If you feel as though you have some thought or behavioural patterns you would like to look deeper into, then Soul Coaching® with Bernie may be for you. It may be just the thing you need to take a journey into your past and come out as a much clearer and energetic being.

Who is Qualified to do This Kind of Coaching?

You may ask the qualifications of the person who will be assisting you with your Soul Coaching®. Bernie Giggins is a certified practitioner who studied under Denise Linn, the founder of the International Institute of Soul Coaching®.  Passionate about helping her clients, Bernie aims to help each individual find their own path by taking the Soul Coaching® journey. Bernie is there every step of the way and assists each client to get the most out of their experience. By undertaking Soul Coaching® with Bernie, you are taking a step towards a clearer mind, soul and body.

How Are The Sessions Delivered?

Soul Coaching® can be done in a number of ways, and therefore you can find a way that works best for you. For example, you can work through Soul Coaching® on your own, or in a group setting. Working alone allows you to take it at your own pace, and there are programs that allow you to work by yourself. You can also work as a group with friends or partners to assist each other with the program.

There are also programs that allow you to work through the coaching sessions online. This may suit some people more than a one-on-one approach. As you can see, there are a number of ways to undertake a Soul Coaching® program and is suitable for all types of individuals who wish to start their journey.

What Happens in The Soul Coaching® Sessions?

Within each session, Bernie will use meditation, visualisation and imagination techniques to help quieten the mind and explore old memories. She will guide the soul back in time to when the traumatic or life changing event occurred and replace the old beliefs associated with them. Bernie will take this opportunity to replace the old negative associations with other positive resources you may not have had access to previously.

In doing so, Bernie is clearing your cellular memory of the old negative associations and replacing them with a clearer and healthier energy. After your sessions, you are likely to feel clearer and healthier, as well as have a stronger sense of inner peace and inner-love. These are just a few of the potential positive changes you may experience after undertaking Bernie’s Soul Coaching.

Are You Ready to Find Your Soul Truth?

By exploring old memories that may be causing negative thought and/or behavioural patterns, you are taking the power away from them.  You are empowering your inner self and your own soul truth. If you’re ready to take the next step and would like to undertake Soul Coaching®, Bernie is willing to help you take the next steps towards a clearer, healthier and happier self.