Full moon Ceremony




Bathed in the gentle glow of the full moon, the Soul Freedom Tribe welcomes you to a nurturing space of shared intention.

Join us for our Sacred Moon Meditation & Ceremonies, a heartfelt invitation to reflect on your life’s journey—celebrating new beginnings, honouring closures, setting intentions, saying goodbye to negative blocks and cherishing every step in between. With the moon as our guide, we’ll help you manifest positive changes and release what no longer serves you.

While a candle, pen, paper, essential oils, and crystals can enhance your experience, they’re entirely optional.

And to make sure you can revisit this special moment, we’ll provide a recording of the ceremony.

Embrace this opportunity to connect, grow, and move forward in a warm community of like-minded souls. After purchase, you will be sent a Zoom link with questions to stir the pot before the ceremony for even more blessings to be had once emptied out.