Eclipses serve as clear cosmic role and way as a way in your life. They have been honoured and respected for their ‘seismic’ change power since ancient times. Eclipses help you by.
- transforming old energy patterns
- freeing you to be able to be present to the full range of your souls potential
- help you to rapidly evolve so that you’re focused, aware and in the moment where all your power exists, the present moment.
Lunar eclipses are also full moons, but more powerful; they’re a time of change, transition, and the beginning of new life phases. And this particular full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus is moving us from the eclipse cycle that we’ve collectively experienced since June 5th, 2020, and into the transformative Taurus-Scorpio polarity for the next 18 months.
The full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus occurs on November 19th, 2021, at 7:57 p.m., AEST, and will be directly opposite from the Scorpio sun in the sky. Eclipses in the same sign occur once every 19 years, so think back to that timeframe in your personal life to understand what’s to come on a deeper level now. (2002, 1983, 1964, 1945, 1926)
When the moon is in Taurus, it is in what astrologers call its exaltation or comfort zone and can express its energy easily. Ruled by the planetary goddess of beauty, Venus, Taurus represents material resources, money, wealth, abundance, the natural beauty of Earth, food, fertility, and sensuality. And wherever this full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus falls in your chart, it places a bright spotlight and initiates lasting changes for the next 18 months.
This planetary alignment during the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus is initiating pivotal changes through the tension that will encourage personal growth and expansion. This particular lunar eclipse is in a fixed T- square formation with the Taurus sun, Scorpio moon, communicative Mercury in Scorpio, and lucky Jupiter in Aquarius. This planetary alignment during the full moon lunar eclipse in Taurus is initiating pivotal changes through the tension that will encourage personal growth and expansion. Another important aspect to note is the supportive connection between the lunar eclipse and transformative Pluto in Capricorn.
Pluto represents final change, rebirth, and endings, which grounds the eclipse’s energy into reality and will be felt
These are positive aspects of this lunar eclipse.
- Abundance, material gains, transformation, beauty, and love are all themes of this new eclipse cycle.
- It’s important to roll with the change and choose what aligns with your highest resonance.
- Jupiter enhances energy, so be sure to set your intention on gratitude and optimism.
- And Taurus wants you to return to feeling pleasure and contentment in your life.
- Affirmations to help you move into this energy with optimism and an abundance mindset. Affirmations are powerful to read throughout your day, so post yours somewhere visible in your home or as a calendar reminder in your phone. For example “I choose the end result of living a life I love.”
- With eclipses they are working in the highest vibration of you and even if you don’t like the changes which will come in of be forced into and onto our lives, remember the Universe has a better plan. Sometimes an obstacle is actually your soul pointing you in another direction. Often ‘Rejection is Protection and Redirecting you to the right path’.
- It may bring about sudden upheaval and discomfort in order to spark progress and innovation.
- Financial shifts and the need to restructure this area of life are also in order
- Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries retrograde is also clearing up matters of the heart. By uncovering the unseen, empowerment and going straight to the heart of the matter.
- It is of liberation and breaking away from restriction.
The Eclipse Season has begun